Wednesday, February 11, 2009

These Things Are Not Meant To Be Shut Up

I know all of you recognize this kind, nice, polite teacher name Pn Heah. Yeap, if you think that I'm wrong, that proves she's entered your class before =) I've no idea how can she not make sense at all. Her add maths is clearly just a plain meaningless subject (which I will talk about in my next post). Her english is so perfect that people get scolding for not answering their totally-wrong-pronounced-name. Her ego is so high that she never admits she's wrong. Her skin is so thick that she never knows when she's actually sweating. OH! let me summarize all I've just said into one equation. (since its add maths right) ok...

Meaningless Subject = ms
Perfect English            = pe
High Ego                   = he
Stink!                          = S

Now, you talk bout a simple add maths equation... I'll give you one

(ms+pe) (he+S) = P.HEAH 

(Pre-caution. Her Ethics Are Horrifying)

You (Heah) says I have to set a good example as a monitor. Once again I ask myself what the f**k does that supposed to mean. Is that a request? A statement? or A clarification? Well, its kinda weird, because you're the ONLY teacher dat thinks I'm a monitor that should resign. And honestly, I think that you should resign 3 years ago =)