Maaannyyy people hates add-maths.
Well Why?!
Because it’s boring
Well Why?!
Because they find it difficult.
Because it’s meaningless
Because it doesn’t helps in any way
Because it’s stupid
Because it’s actually quite boring!
Let me tell you something folks. Add maths is just another plain old stupid bullshit that some mindless people added to our syllabus. Okay?! They're mindless that they forgot its just a bullshit list of chapters, methods, solutions, formulas, principals and concepts that really have nothing to do with your daily lives and grown up career. That’s why its called “ADD-MATHS”. Doesn’t people understand that? It’s ADDITIONAL...
Same goes to the education system. I’ll tell you about the education system.
When it comes to believing the education system. I really tried, I really really tried. I tried to believe that with good and consistent grades comes good money and good job. But the more you read the news, the more you look around. You’ll notice that something is f**cked up, something is wrong in here... beggars, hookers, thieves, divorce, people staying at home, people robbing for money, people selling their kids...
If this is the best the education system can give.
I am not impressed...
You’ll never see news like, “21 A’s Candidate Now Malaysia’s Youngest Millionaire”
“No.1 Biology Student Removes Rare Tumor”
Alright, let’s leave this non-logical system aside and talk more about "add maths" XD
Most of all its for kids. really! FOR KIDS, BECAUSE ADULT DOESN'T DO ADD-MATHS. That's right! They don't DO ADD MATHS. Don't believe me? Stand up, go ask your parents now, how to solve an add maths question that you've just learnt in school. I bet you a 90% that they’re going to give an excuse like "We've given it back to our teachers already"
Because they DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO IT!
Well that's fine but, if we're all going to "give it back to our teachers" and forget it anyway,
Can't we just skip this subject and focus on better and more logical subjects.
Now, you ask me why 90% and not 100% of the parents,
I'll tell you why,
People, especially the stupid ones (which I have a very low tolerance of) only knows how to tell you that you'll have less opportunity in careers or even fail getting a job if you don't pass this cock-sucking subject...
Once again politely I ask “what the f**k does that supposed to mean”...
I say you're an asshole with full of bullshit.
How'd you like that?
It's made believe people, its made believe. The problem is they start filling you with all these kinda fictional stories when you're so primitive and defenseless. People in this country has been burdened with this screwed over mindset, those are the kinda decisions they’re left to make.
If stupid people had never ever told someone else that... I can guarantee you that more people would've been earning money right now than wondering around.
If people loves add maths I don’t care... As long as you remember one thing in mind.
You keep the subject to yourself!
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