People with face mask dies first
If you use a sanitizer, you're second
To live...
Throw those 2 away...
What we have now, is a completely neurotic community, obsessed with hygiene, cleanliness, the air they breathe, food they eat, water they drink, objects they touch, people they meet and CONDOMS they use... Have you ever realized, the media is constantly making people think they're gonna die if they simply don't "sanitize" their hands after touching a simple door knob! And since people just panic easily, everyones now running around, constantly over-cooking their food, repeatedly washing their hands, spraying this and rubbing that, trying to avoid contact with viruses... and wonder why they lie on bed after being exposed to public. In undeveloped villages, they play "splash me" in RAW SEWAGE!
And what'd you think you have an immune system for? It's for fighting viruses like these goddamn it... But it needs practice, it needs viruses to practice... So, lemme ask ya, what you think your immune system would practice on, if you avoid all sorta viruses around you and live a completely sterile life...
You wanna know how many people had died of swine flu? 2 thousand! its a MINOR RISK......There's 260000 infected right now, which means you've got a 0.7% chance of dieing after being infected, 60% of it comes from people above 50, that means if you're below 50 reading this, you've got a 0.3% of dieing. Well it doesn't stop here, there's 6 billion on this planet... you do the calculations... Which means you've got more chances of jumping off a exploding 747, having your parachute not open, dropping into the ocean and being eaten by a great white....
So, the next time someone tells you its getting more dangerous, pull and snap his face mask (I bet he'll be wearing one), then tell him you're some pussy in disguise. If it's a girl, do the complete opposite, and tell them to goddamn visit!
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